
Archive for the ‘Money’ Category

Growing a new Earth

In Change, Money on April 11, 2013 at 3:40 pm



The light of spring gently calls us forth from the quiet of our winter homes. While  busying ourselves with the work of the land,  we anticipate the growing gardens of produce, the blossoming and fruiting of trees, and the delight of home-grown food.  Likewise, let’s nurture our community with the same care and compassion, listening carefully to and supporting each other as we gently nudge ourselves along.
Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself.Desiderius Erasmus
Meanwhile, springtime has me thinking of how our community grows, gathers and distributes food.  In the growing stage, we are reminded of Monsanto’s increasing influence in the ‘food industry’.  Have a look at this link to see what can be done in Canada: Non-Gmo project. More disturbing is the desire to criminalize those who would  reveal the cruelty of ag-farming: recording the abusers is the crime
I’m including this beautiful link to inspire you to collaborate in your projects: Virtual Choir heralds a spring rainstorm.  Also, in honour of spring, please watch this (36 minute) video on the The Ceremony of Original Innocence. This link brings together both issues: kids growing up in poverty in the US: growing up poor.
For those who are looking for reasons why the kids seem so unhappy, have a read of this article: here’s why they don’t like school.  This US article gives the real picture on unemployment: 63% working.
Thursday April 18th is Eye Opener Educational Film’s screening of Fresh-a film to inspire us all on the possibilities of achieving local, healthy and real food farming that nourishes both the body and the community.  Please come and share this uplifting and worthwhile message at 7 pm, Duncan United Church-admission free or by donation.



Change in Perspective

In Change, inspiration, Money on January 10, 2013 at 6:42 am


Deep in the Northern Hemisphere’s winter we are offered an opportunity to rest and, perhaps, review circumstances of life.  We may examine our behaviours, our environment or our goals for relevance.  During one of these introspective reviews, it may occur to us to discard an unworkable or outgrown thing, whether it be a physical object, an idea, point of view or relationship.  When we decide that something is no longer serving its purpose we make room for something else; all living things/systems must grow and change, and humanity’s constructs are no different.  Let’s use this reflective time to determine how we may affect the changes observed on our planet and in our human creations.
To assist us in our winter reflections, let’s begin with the fascinating subject of climate and earth changes from the perspective of the Canadian North: Inuit speak of changes. On another level, the provocation of change can take many form, however it seems to be the case that most of humanity’s change occurs through crisis not proactive change.  The following link details how the reverse of innovation and change has quagmired North America in a sea of greed-oriented non-action: the effects of lazy corporate monopolies.  Lest you feel unduly affected by ‘negative’ communications, consider how it may be possible that negative thought provokes positive action.
Discarding outgrown thought and action makes room for a shift.  Here is an artist’s film work which may assist you in appreciation of Earth’s wonder: time lapse landscapes vol 2.  As we evolve, there comes a time when an outward declaration of our new ‘selves’ is the right action. Have a look at this: declaration of consciousness.  There’s a time for destruction and a time for new creation.  There’s also a time for tweaking what is, in order to allow a gathering of energy.  Here’s a banking place-holder for those who have lost patience with the dysfunctional banking system: the Simple Bank.  Finally, inform one another of the excesses which cause dysfunction:overcompensating the Canadian CEO and forward this link far and wide: Back to our banking roots.
Finally, as a rejoinder to all of the electronic interruptions we are now experiencing: the price of interruption.
Make this film a priority: Resonance, Beings of Frequency a review of ELF and EMF and its effects on your life.  Join us at Eye Opener Educational Film night, Thurs Jan 17th at 7pm, Duncan United Church.
Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. 

Go placidly amidst the noise

In chemtrails, Money on November 16, 2012 at 12:53 am

It sometimes happens that we become mentally tired of learning ‘new’ things.  Too much information, change, or detail can tax the most patient, and invoke a sense of numbness whose purpose, it seems, is to disconnect us from further mental demands.  As this state is reached, we might find ourselves cast adrift, feeling as if we have departed from the social consciousness joining one another in the busy world.  Disconnected from constant updates and ‘noise’ we become capable of observation and, perhaps, reflection.  We may understand the subtle teachings that speak of too much knowledge and not enough wisdom.  We cease our inner discussions and refrain from making judgments against others; we become peaceful.  As we go about life’s business, may we remain aware of the power of our own silence, and seek balance in our mental pursuits.
Those who are interested in chem trail phenomena will find this link of value: the reality of geo-engineering, while this Swedish politician’s remarks will assist in expanding the validity of research on chem trails: Swedish chemtrail update.  This next link indicates effects of chemical pollution in the human body: why it’s sometimes hard to understand and this link featuring a banker, tells it like it is for those who would continue to see humanity divided.
As we make the transition from one state to the next, we are sometimes forced to dwell within contradiction.  This excellent link discusses the importance of remaining present to the lessons experienced in this unique and highly instructive state: our infinite potential.  The contradictory state of deprivation and abundance is common to many.  distribution of economic pain discusses the bubble’s ability to transfer wealth from the many to the few. Again, the contrast of wealth and poverty is highlighted in the Western world’s economic shift: Poor America and protesting European austerity.  Prop 37, to label GMO foods in California, was struck down. Here’s a link showing how this was done: companies against GMO labelling. However, have a look at this DIY alternative: serving the greater good, and this farmer’s attempt against Monsanto.
Seeking balance in all things, we enjoy the simplicity of life’s gifts.  Awe-struck.  Here’s a different simplicity: ceramic bowl to purify water.
Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. Immanuel Kant

Truth needs no defence

In debt, Money on September 12, 2012 at 3:54 am

The new year for many has begun, and we turn our attention once again to subjects of interest.  For many people, the economy is of concern, mostly because of the effects on personal budgets, but also because there is a desire to understand the world-wide influence of crises.  Let’s begin with this short and simple precis, detailing some basics on the economy.  After reading that, the ‘news’ on the student debt bubble which has begun to burst, will be equally informative: tipping point for student debt. This Canadian infographic on university education is equally instructive: students asked to take a hike.  Are you a renter, or do you rent property to others?  Have you heard of the ‘rentier’ economy?  This useful review of the concept of rentier finance and its destructive grip on our collective resources will inform anyone with a desire to better understand why traditional economic analysis is unequivocally useless: rentier finance.  Crossing over to the world of work, then, where financial return is closely analyzed for economic indications, it will be no surprise to learn that unemployment has significantly affected our society: re-employed at a lower pay.  If these subjects have the air of being manipulative, you may have a good intuition.  Have a read of this: we don’t ‘owe’ trillions, and you don’t ‘owe’ $50 000!.  Lastly, here are another two links speaking plainly on the subject of manipulative economics: stagflation and millionaire politicians, and modern money and public purpose (the latter is a well-respected site but will ask for your email address to allow viewing of video).
All of us concerned with the free flow of information will want to review the following links, especially this: Keshe foundation under US presidential attack.  In situations of information/misinformation/disinformation, this particular website seems to have been flagged by the US government and is worth looking at for this reason alone.  Cross-referenced here, New Paradigm Digest seems equally fascinated by the potential indicated in the latest of Keshe Foundation announcements.  With increasingly active resistance to piplelines in Canada, this reference: action camp offers a timely review.  In addition, 50% of the American population is under attack in much the same manner as women in countries where fundamentalist Islamic principles are in effect: what you need to know about being female in America.  In the interests of a free flow of information, I’m including this 60 Minutes presentation on flavor enhancers, as it will surely engage any person requiring to eat any amount of grocery-store packaged food.  Lastly, if you haven’t already seen it: 9/11 explosive evidence-experts speak out
Let’s end on a curious, collectively engaging couple of subjects.  The end of 2012 is approaching, so let’s see what’s being said on the subject: 2012 rising; and view this delightful dance montage I’ve got soul (but I’m not a soldier!).

Speak from the heart and the truth will be shown.   Jean Paul-Alice

Reclaiming humanity

In Money, Uncategorized on March 28, 2012 at 4:38 am
In honour of all effort at reclaiming our humanity, raising our conscience, and choosing unity over division, I offer this video to cheer and uplift: Inspiration.
Important to the movement of enlightenment, is a review of the mechanics of shared freedom, leadership and opportunity.  This blog entry reviews the state of affairs for those of us entrenched in the creation of a new paradigm: Beyond Collapse.  Central to the redistribution of resources is the recognition of our current dysfunctional and extreme economic system, and its replacement with equitable and reasonable alternatives.  A town in Germany offers this: the new ‘coals’ currency.  The counterpoint to the creation of a new economic system is the maintenance of the status quo.  Here’s a fascinating and blatant explanation of  worth in our current economic system: extracting the ‘rent’
Many citizens of Vancouver Island are able to implement their community ideals. Here’s a group in Victoria creating their vision:community garden.  Here’s a good news network: being the change

To all of us who are facing adversity in fortune, health or spirit:

 Times of great calamity and confusion have ever been productive of the greatest minds. The purest ore is produced from the hottest furnace, and the brightest thunderbolt is elicited from the darkest storm.

Charles Caleb Colton

We become that which we seek

In Money, Uncategorized on February 29, 2012 at 6:05 am
Opportunities for investigating the world’s ills are endless. However, as conscious individuals, it is our task to be aware of our fascination for incorrect behaviour while limiting the effort we spend in search of it.  With acknowledgment and commitment to human goodness, we become  compassionate, generous, enlightened individuals working in community to create harmonious and balanced systems.  Discernment awakens the intelligence in our hearts leading us into honest thought and activity, completing the opportunity for originating, circulating, and receiving generosity.  With such a clear life path, our doing and being become examples of what the Buddhists call ‘right living’.  Focused as we are on right living, our creative energy attracts similarly resonant activity, and so we become that which we seek.  Interest in negativity naturally dissolves as our lives pivot on the transformational effort of virtue.
While systemic dissolution proceeds, we take the time to reflect on the subject of money.  Living in a monetized system, money enables us to earn a living, and so is essential to life. When money circulates fairly, with wages commensurate to agreed upon returns and equitably priced goods, money distributes justice.  Each person in community has a right to participate in the circulation of money as it enables aspects of freedom.  Healthy circulation of money is life-giving.  Hoarding, and the fear or greed which precedes it, limits freedom and causes injury to the community.  Dissolution of the monetary system is inevitable because it is out of sync with the universal impulse of evolution towards cooperation, collaboration and harmony.  With this insight, conscious individuals and communities will be creating alternate systems of exchange that safeguard freedom.
The following link is worth the 12 minutes it takes to view as it describes a transfer of $15 trillion between well-known banks; it is important as an indication of the breadth and depth of institutional corruption:$15 trillion.  In the USA, debtor’s prisons have emerged, and 1 in 7 people is now pursued by debt collectors:the dark ages return.  Banks and public policy work together to the benefit of the 1%: a planned economy for the 1%, while Buffett predicts that ‘hormones’ will cause those adults living at home with parents to solve the housing crisis.  This film is antidote to the previous links, offering a resolution that may inspire you:the Money Fix.  Also, check out this link that sees 2000+ Italians turning out to hear why austerity measures are fabrications for population control: Modern Monetary Theory
Still shopping at WalMart?  Here’s a good reason to stop: 1/4 of all grocery money
Many of us are increasingly more happy.  This link offers a reason, not that we need one, to explain why: well-being unrelated to wealth.  Strong community ties are also necessary to keep individuals healthy:How’s your neighbour?.  And, lest you think that your contribution to leadership is lacking, please watch this 6 minute video to be re-inspired in your path: everyday leadership.  To fascinate you and put things into perspective, here’s this exceptional one minute video on our nearest star: stunning close-up of solar activity.  Finally, I leave you with this community effort to provide food.  We’ve planted a Food Forest for the benefit of all; beautiful and functional in the middle of town: Fruit trees, berries, ripe and free!
If we do not lay ourselves at the service of mankind, whom should we serve?  John Adams